Awesome 3.1 has been released yesterday and soon it’ll be in community, are you ready for it?
You’ll must do some changes in your configuration file:
First, the statusbar objects no longer exist now they are wibox objects;
mystatusbar = wibox({ ... })
The syntax for adding widget changed, now it must do with:
mystatusbar.widgets = { ... }
Taglist have a new form:
mytaglist =, taglabel_function, button_table)
could be: awful.widget.taglist.label.all (Return labels for a taglist widget with all tag from screen) awful.widget.taglist.label.noempty (Return labels for a taglist widget with all non empty tags from screen) -
As for the taglist, tasklist have a new form:
mytasklist =, button_table)
could be: awful.widget.tasklist.label.allscreen (Return labels for a tasklist widget with clients from all tags and screen) awful.widget.tasklist.label.alltags (Return labels for a tasklist widget with clients from all tags) awful.widget.tasklist.label.currenttags (Return labels for a tasklist widget with clients from currently selected tags) -
Now it’s possible to add an image widget with:
myimage = widget({ type = "imagebox", align = "right" }) myimage.image = image("/path/to/image.png")
This article is a summary of “Awesome 3.0 to 3.1” wiki page.
Tags: linux, awesomewm, howto